Paul Kraus

Traveling the world can be a fun and rewarding experience. However, if you are suffering from chronic illnesses such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, or cardiac disease the whole idea can be overbearing.

Depending on the seriousness and nature of your condition, proper planning and preparation are critical to ensuring a successful trip. Health organizations, often encourage travelers, especially the sick to carry a sheet containing their health history. The particulars may include diagnosis information, medications and dosages, physician contacts and emergency contact addresses. If you must carry a restricted drug, make sure you discuss this with your physician before traveling. To get more information on how to store drugs and carry items like syringes, you can speak directly to the airline security officials or medical professionals.

Tips For Traveling the World Hassle Free With a Chronic Condition

Stay positive

Although chronic illness can be debilitating, traveling and having fun can greatly improve your health and well-being. One effective way to do this is maintaining a positive attitude about yourself. Doing so will allow you to go about your business as usual and help you avoid anxiety when faced with challenges.

Book Your Accommodations Ahead of Time

If your condition will not allow you a lot of freedom, consider booking your hotel or room in advance as a strategy to reserve energy and save time. This is important because seeking accommodation and other travel hassles can drain every ounce of your energy, leaving you totally exhausted.

Choose Your Activities

The chronic condition you are suffering from may limit your engagement in various activities regardless of how you feel. For this reason, always take time to carefully choose the activities that you want to participate in and exclude those that may be too demanding. This way you will enjoy your trip without compromising your health.

Pack all Your Medications Appropriately

All the medication necessary should be carried and packed appropriately. Depending on your condition, if there is a medication you must use, let it rank first on your packing list. Prescription medications should be accompanied by copies of the prescription information.


There are several illnesses that can be made worse by staying dehydrated for lengthy periods. If you are suffering from Asthma and allergies, dehydration can easily cause fatigue and even worsen the status of your health. It can also exacerbate underlying digestive issues and cause pain and stiffness in the joints. To be on the safe side, always carry drinking water, juice or soda during a trip.


Traveler insurance is important when traveling abroad, more so if you are suffering from a chronic or terminal condition that may lead to a medical emergency, such as the cancer peritoneal mesothelioma, a disease explained here at Sufferers of cancers that are serious and terminal, like any of those relating to mesothelioma should always get advice from those supplying the travel insurance to ensure full coverage will be applicable to them. Travelers going abroad can choose from the following three types of insurance; health insurance, medication evacuation insurance, and trip cancellation Insurance.

Travel health insurance covers the traveler’s health care needs in the destination country. Medical evacuation insurance, on the other hand, covers emergency cases from transportation to healthcare equipment and services. The latter is especially critical if you are traveling to a remote area where the healthcare infrastructure is non-existence or hard to come by.

How do you manage to travel with a chronic illness? Share your best tips in the comment section below!